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Year: 2016, Issue: June


Bioconcentration of mercury in contaminated fishes collected from Rushikulya estuary and impact of mercury on the respiratory activity of the fishes.

Priyadarshan, K. Tapass, B. V. S. Anuradha and A. K. Panigrahi





Effluent, Bioconcentration, Tissue slice respiration, Residual mercury, Estuarine fish, Industry.

Significant amount of residual mercury was reported in bigger fish when compared to smaller fish. Mercury was not traceable in some fish collected from the contaminated estuary. Non availability of mercury in the area might be due to change in technology or washing of all discharged mercury into Bay of Bengal or a significant amount of mercury was recovered and recycled by following recycling technology. The effluent of the effluent canal showed an insignificant amount of mercury. In contrast the estuarine fishes showed significant amount of mercury in their body tissues. Aged fishes accumulated more and in case of smaller fishes no residue of mercury was found in brain, liver and muscle. Higher amount of mercury was recorded in all liver tissues of the contaminated fish followed by whole body, muscle and brain. Brain tissues showed the lowest amount of mercury. Tissue slice respiration of liver tissues of the contaminated fish was highly affected when compared to brain and muscle tissue slices of the contaminated fish. The obtained data was compared with respective control values. The depletion of tissue slice respiration was due to residual accumulation of mercury in different tissues of the contaminated fish.


Flower visitors in bitter gourd ecosystem : Abundance and diversity.

K. B. Tharini, V. V. Belavadi and H. Khader Khan





Bitter gourd, Flower visitors, Diversity and abundance.

The present investigation on abundance and diversity of flower visitors in bitter gourd ecosystem was carried out at the Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK), University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore during kharif-2014. The data on visual counts of flower visitors with respect to their abundance in bitter gourd during kharif-2014 revealed that Apis bees, Apis cerana and A.florea were significantly larger in number and constituted nearly 65% when compared to other non-Apis species visiting bitter gourd flowers. A total of 27 species of flower visitors were recorded on bitter gourd belonging to 11 families of 3 orders. Among the flower visitors, A.cerana and A.florea were more abundant (70.13%) than other non-Apis species (29.86%). Malaise and intercept traps caught very low number of flower visitors. The maximum pollinator diversity remained same between 08.00 to 14.00 h except between 06.00 to 07.00 h and later the activity decreased gradually.


Impact analysis of front line demonstration on the yield and economics of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).

A. H. Kumar Naik, T. Rudramuni and D. Chandrappa





Front line demonstration (FLD), Yield gap analysis, Economics, Grain yields.

Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station (ZAHRS) Hiriyur laid down front line demonstrations on safflower crop under AICRP on Safflower project by introducing improved and hybrid varieties and applying scientific package of practices in their cultivation. The productivity and economic returns of safflower crop in improved technologies were calculated and compared with the corresponding farmer's practices (local checks). During Rabi 2014 and2015, a total of two hundred demonstrations in which 100 participating farmer respondents and 100 non-participating farmer respondents from 5 representative villages in Chitradurga districts were selected through stratified random sampling method for the purpose. The safflower crop recorded higher gross returns (32,851 Rs./ha), net return (20,901 Rs./ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.74) in improved technologies as compared to the plots where farmers were using traditional practices in their cultivation. Based on the mean seed yield of safflower recorded with whole package it can be estimated safflower production in the state could be increased from 0.37 lakh t to 0.48 and 0.50 lakh t by bridging the yield gaps I and II, respectively through adoption of recommended technologies by all the farmers even without increasing the area.


Effect of nutrient management and spacing on production soil health and uptake of nutrients on Cauliflower (Brassica oleracia L. var. Botrytis).

Vinay Kumar, Gynendra Kumar Singh, S. S. Kaushik and Gopi Chand Singh





Cauliflower, Nutrient management, Spacing, Productivity, Soil health and uptake of nutrients.

A field experiment conducted during 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 at Brahamanand Mahavidyala Agriculture Research Farm Rath, Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh with the objective to find out the appropriate nutrient management and spacing in cauliflower. In nutrient management three levels of nitrogen i.e. 120, 90 and 60 kg N/ha and three bio manures i.e. FYM, NADEP compost and vermicompost have been used and it could be concluded from the findings that nitrogen application @90 kg/ha and 30 kg/N with organic manure at 45 cm spacing produced -292 q/ha cauliflower, improved soil health and uptake of nutrients.


Effect of integrated nutrient management and spacing on production and economics of Cauliflower in Bundelkhand region.

Vinay Kumar, Gynendra Kumar Singh, S. S. Kaushik and Gopi Chand Singh





Cauliflower, Integrated nutrient management, Spacing, Productivity, Quality and economics.

A field experiment was conducted at Brahamanand Mahavidyala Agriculture Research Farm Rath, Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh with the objective to find out the appropriate dose of fertilizers and organic manure besides the spacing in cauliflower. There were three levels of nitrogen i.e. 120, 90 and 60 kg N/ha and three bio manures i.e. FYM, NADEP compost and vermicompost were tested. It could be concluded that nitrogen application @ 90 kg/ha and 30 kg N with organic manure at 45 cm spacing was fount to be most significant.


Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of river Temar, district Jabalpur (M.P.)

Chanchala Shiv, R. K. Shrivastava and K. K. Dube





Temar river, Water quality, Water quality parameters, River pollution.

The total environment is a complex entity of which water is the essential component for survival of all the living beings. Life in aquatic environment is largely governed by physico-chemical characteristics and their stability in ecosystem. The precipitation which is the main source of water gets contaminated as soon as it reaches on the earth's surface and during its flow anthropogenic activities in surrounding area further add impurities in it. The water samples were collected monthly for a period of one year from different sampling stations along the stretch of river. During study period, river maintained well alkaline nature of water in study area. Parameters like dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total hardness, total alkalinity and pH showed variation from upstream to downstream. Dissolved oxygen was found to be maximum during winter may be due to low temperature. However, conductivity, total hardness and total alkalinity were found to be maximum during the summer season.


Methods to increase the rate of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables.

V. Ramya and N. K. Jain





High hydrostatic pressure, Osmotic dehydration, Pulsed electric field ultrasound and vacuum impregnation.

Osmotic dehydration is more and more often used during processing of fruits and vegetables. It is a simultaneous mass transfer process which mainly promotes the flow out of water molecules from the food to osmoactive solution and some migration of solutes from the solution into the food. Thus, allows maintaining good organoleptic and functional properties in the finished product. The rate of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of plant foods is generally slow process; the cellular membrane exerts high resistance to transfer and slows down the osmotic dehydration rate Thus, there has always been a need to develop supplementary techniques to enhance the mass transfer without adversely affecting the quality. Therefore, the partial damage of cell membranes using different pre-treatment methods can be advantageous for acceleration of mass transfers process. This review paper is focused on methods of streamlining the process of osmotic dehydration which include the use of: blanching, ultrasound, high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric field, vacuum impregnation and ohmic heating. These new combination methods increase mass transfer and drying rate of fruits and vegetables by increasing the cell membrane permeability. The operation time in the combined methods is shorter than that in traditional osmotic dehydration, causing further energy saving.


Response of improved production technologies on productivity of tomato under farmers field situations.

Rajiv Dubey





Improved production technology, Productivity of Tomato.

Adaptive research trials on tomato were conducted during 2013-2014 at farmer's field of Vidisha district, Madhya Pradesh in order to demonstrate production potential of improved production technologies. The improved production technologies recorded the higher marketable yield of 151 q/ha which was 72.57% higher than that of farmers practices of 87.5 q/ha. Improved technologies had given higher growth attributes viz. Plant-height (88.65 cm), primary branches (7.05) and root length (31.7 cm plant-1). Improved practices also showed higher economic water-use efficiency (2180 Rs/ha/cm) over farmers practice (665 Rs/ha/cm).


Evaluation of water content in fungal spores.

Mohammad Salim, Mohammad Shahid Masoor and Shagufta Parween





Fungal spores, Water content.

The water content of fungal spores has been found to be surprisingly variable due to different experimental procedures followed and the different environmental conditions prevailing during the course of fungal sporulation. Several interpretations regarding the advantageous and adaptive features in relation to low water content have been put forward to explain the survival of fungal spores as survival is longest under conditions of environmental dryness. Since, the fungal spores are minute and microscopic bodies and not very easy to handle, it has always been a very difficult task to evaluate the exact quantity of water found therein. The present paper is an attempt to evaluate the water content of fungal spores in the light of recent researches.


Studies on uses and abuses of Caffeine.

Mohammad Shahid Masroor, Shagufta Parween and Mohammad Salim





Food and beverages, Caffeine content, Uses and abuses.

As we are running in a very thick of puzzled life with multiple roles, responsibilities and commitments, the stress is inevitable. The coffee containing caffeine, to a lot of us, seems to be that one companion that helps us wake up and fight the fatigue monster. The debate between caffeine addicts and health freaks, who stay away from it is unending. So, we thought why not tackle the issue once and for all. The present paper deals with the study of various aspects of caffeine use and their effects on human beings.


Effects of different levels of squid waste meal as substitute for fish meal on the growth of the pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) post larvae.

P. J. Mahida, S. I. Yusufzai, S. R. Lende, S. S. Rathore and M. H. Parmar





Squid waste meal, Fish meal replacement, Shrimp L. vannamei.

Present study evaluated the suitability of squid waste meal as an alternate protein source of fish meal for pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) post larval diet. Feed ingredients were collected from the local market and were analyzed for protein, fat, ash, moisture content. The control diet (FM100) was formulated with 100% fish meal and zero % squid waste meal. Other experimental diets were formulated with squid waste meal 25% (FM75), 50% (FM50), 75% (FM25) and 100% (FM0) replacing 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the fish meal respectively. The diets were formulated to provide 35% crude protein on a dry weight basis. Shrimp post larvae (initial weight 0.74�0.01 g) were fed experimental diets ad libitum for 60th days. Based on the results obtained, there was significant difference (P<0.05) reported in weight and length gain, specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of post larvae fed with the different feeds during a period of 60th days. Shrimp fed the diets containing 75 and 100% SWM showed significantly better performance in terms of final length, length gain, final body weight, weight gain (%), SGR, FCR and PER than other SWM diets. It is concluded that squid waste meal is a promising alternative protein source for L.vannamei feeding, improving growth ratio at dietary inclusion levels as high as 100%.


Reporting a new species of the genus Avitellina from Capra hircus at Dhule (M.S.).

R. B. Suryawanshi and A. T. Kalse





Avitellina caprain sp., Mammalian tapeworm, Capra hircus.

The present investigation deals with taxonomic studies of mammalian tapeworm of genus Avitellina, viz. A.caprain sp. collected from the host Capra hircus at Dhule (M.S.). The present worm differs from all other species of genus Avitellina in having scolex medium, quadrangular, suckers large, oval, neck long; mature segment 30-40 times broader than long; testes oval, medium, 8-12 in number, outer column 2-4, inner column 6-8 testes; cirrus pouch large, oval; vas deferens, medium; ovary medium, oval; vagina posterior to cirrus pouch and gravid segments with sac like par uterine organ, containing eggs.


Assessment of physico-chemical parameters from Hanga lake Parner tehsil, district Ahmednagar (M.S.).

S. N. Pokale





Physico-chemical parameters, Hanga lake, Quality of water.

The assessment of physicochemical parameters of Hanga lake from Parner Tahasil of Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra State was carried out during the period January, 2010 to December, 2010. The physicochemical parameters such as Atmospheric temperature, Water temperature, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Acidity, Alkalinity, Carbon dioxide, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness and Chloride were monitored on seasonal basis. The results revealed that the reservoir water is safe for human use and agricultural purpose.


A study of somatic and meiotic chromosomes of Papilio demoleus Linn.

Meenu Sadhotra





Haploid, Papilio demoleus, Meiosis.

Somatic metaphases from male and female brain ganglia of Papilio demoleus and meiotic stages from male are shown in the present communication. The haploid chromosome number of Papilio demoleus was found to be 30 from the various meiotic stages which confirms the diploid chromosome number of the species.


Identification and antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus spp. in sub-clinical mastitis in cattle.

Pawan Maheshwari, P. C. Shukla, Jyoti Dongre and Jitendra Shivhare





Mastitis, MCMT, Staphylococcus spp., Enrofloxacin

Mastitis, caused by multi factorial etiopathological factors, is one of the costliest disease of dairy animals across the globe. The study was conducted for a period of more than 1 year i.e. from February,2015 to February,2016. For the epidemiological study 550 lactating cows were screened by modified California mastitis test (MCMT). Clinical examination of animals and their udder/milk and phenotypic characterization of Staphylococcus spp. was carried out. The overall occurrence of Staphylococcal SCM was reported to be 16.36% (90/550) animal wise and 6.07% (127/2092) quarter wise as identified on the basis of colony morphology, characteristic colour changes on Mannitol salt agar, positive catalase test, haemolysis pattern on blood agar and DNase activity on DNase agar. Results of antibiogram revealed that most effective antimicrobial agent was enrofloxacin (100%) followed by piperacillin + tazobactum (87.80%), cefoparazone (82.92%), ampicillin + sulbactum (82.92%) and cefuroxime (82.92%) against Staphylococcus spp. All the isolates showed resistance to cefepime (100%).


Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Cociella crocodila (Tilesius,1812) from Mangalore coast.

D. P. Rajesh, A. S. Mahesha Murthy, H. N. Anjanayappa, S. Benakappa, Naveen Kumar, B. T. and A. S. Kumar Naik





Length-weight relationship, Relative condition factor (Kn), Cociella crocodila, Mangalore coast.

The length-weight relationship of Cociella crocodila was estimated and corresponding equation was W=0.0032 L3.2862 for male and W=0.003 L3.2498 for female. Analysis of covariance showed that there is no significant difference in length-weight relationship between the male and female. Hence, the pooled equation for both sexes was obtained at W=0.0031L3.2708. The fluctuation in the relative condition factor (K ) value with respect to size indicated n that condition of fish more or less showed an increasing trend with size of fish. The seasonal fluctuations in the relative condition factor of both the sexes could be attributed to the sexual cycle, food intake and environmental factor.


Trend of fish seed, fish production and their interrelationship in Uttar Pradesh.

Narendra Kumar Verma, A. D. Upadhyat, A. K. Roy and Sanjeev Kumar





Fish production, Growth rate, Seed production, Trend analysis, Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh is India's most populous state with enough fisheries resources in the form of ponds, tanks with dominance of rivers and manmade reservoirs. Fish production in the state was only 325.95 thousand tones (2007- 08) and it is less than national average. In this study trend of fish seed production and fish production and also their inter relationship was analyzed. The time series analysis for period 1994-2008 reveals that fish seed production and fish production in the state is increasing over the years. The regression equation of fish seed production and fish production is established (Yest 0.275X-16.16; R2=0.971). This result clearly indicates a very good fit of the empherical data suggesting the fact that 97.1% of the variability in Fish production is explained by the seed production alone. A strong significant relation between two variables (r= 0.97) justifies the need of quality seed production for enhanced sustainable fish production.


Repellent biopotency of Cichorium intybus, Inula racemosa, Tagetes minuta and Mantisalca duriaeri aquash formulations against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis Linn. (Coleoptera : Bruchidae).

B. S. Chandel and Arti Singh





Inula racemosa, Tagetes minuta, Callosobruchus chinensis, Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium

Experiments were conducted in Bio-pesticide and herbal extract Laboratory, Department of Zoology, D.B.S. College, Kanpur. In the present investigations, repellent bioefficacy of ten indigenous asteraceous plant aquash extracts viz; Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (trev.) Vis., Chromolaena odorata Linn. Cichorium intybus (Chicory), Inula racemosa Hook. f, Reichardia tingitana Linn. Roth, Rhaponticum acaule (L.) DC., Scorzonera undulata Vahl., Spilanthes paniculata Well ex DC, Mantisalca duriaeri (Spach) Birq. Et Cavill. and Tagetes minuta L. were tested against early emerged adults of Callosobruchus chinensis under laboratory conditions. The aquash extract of C.cinerariaefolium, I.racemosa (roots), M.duriaeri, R.tingitana, R.acaule, T.minuta (flowers), C.intybus, S.undulate (aerial parts) and C.odorata, S.paniculatai (leaves) were tested to find out their repellent effect against the early emerged adults of C.chinensis. The Cichorium intybus extract proved to be the best repellent against emerging adults beetle C.chinensis. The other nine plant extracts have been shown in descending order as Inula racemosa > Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium > Tagetes minuta > Mantisalca duriaeri > Scorzonera undulata > Reichardia tingitana > Spilanthes paniculata, respectively. The relative EC values of the above extracts are in descending order, 5.5529 > 50 5.2444 > 3.0353 > 2.4205 > 1.4842 > 1.3760 > 1.1668 > 1.0000 times as repellents, whereas Spilanthes paniculata is taken as a unit.


Studies on the morphological details of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) infesting Brassica compestris var. sarson of Gaya district (Bihar).

H. N. Singh





Morphology, Lipaphis erysimi, Gaya.

Morphological features of apterous viviparous females, alate viviparous females and all the four nymphal instars of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) were studied which were infesting the Brassica compestris var. sarson plants planted in Tekari and konch blocks of Gaya district (Bihar). Only anholocycly was noted in this aphid.


Use of mobile phone based agro-advisories on knowledge of castor farmers.

A. H. Kumar Naik, D. Chandrappa and G. Hanumantha Naik





Castor, Mobile phone.

Deficits in physical infrastructure, problems with availability of agricultural inputs and poor access to agriculture-related information are the major constraints on the growth of agricultural productivity in India. The productivity of castor in Karnataka during kharif season in the state is low and varies from 560 to 836 kg/ha. It is far below than that of national average (1653 kg/ha). In order to achieve higher productivity of castor, farmers need to access a wide range of information related to production technologies, post - harvest processes, remunerative markets, credit and weather. There are several organizations extensively using modern information technology in India to facilitate better communication between researchers, extension workers and their farmer clients to transfer technologies and information more cost effectively and the increasing penetration of mobile phone networks and handsets in India presents an opportunity to make useful information more widely available and plays a significant role in technology transfer. This study was conducted with castor farmers Chitradurga district, Karnataka and majority of the farmers perceived information on market price (75.5%), improved cultivars (73.9%) and weather forecast (71.0%) and the gain in knowledge scores showed differences between pre and post-dissemination of messages over mobile phones, which indicated that substantial improvement in knowledge, is possible with the use of mobile phones as source of knowledge access and they also felt that accessing information through mobile phone is easy and convenient.


Microbiological compression of aerobically and vacuumed packaged functional chicken kabab stored at refrigeration temperature.

Rohit Charan, S. K. Roy, Om Prakash, Arvind Soni, Bhujendra Soni and Anuradha Yadav





Kababs, Broilers, Dietary fibers.

The aim of the current study was to prepare and optimize spent hen chicken Kababs treated with dietary fibers and to assess their storage stability. In this study chicken Kababs were prepared by utilizing two dietary fibers at the levels of 4%, 8% and 12% for orange extract and mosambi extract for replacement of lean meat. The control was prepared in a similar manner except that spent hen meat was substituted by quantity of broiler meat. Six trials were conducted for each level to select the best one for each dietary fiber based on sensory attributes. The vacuum packaged products showed a significantly lower total plate counts than aerobic packaged product throughout the observation period. Microbiological studies revealed that vacuum and aerobic packaged products showed significant increase in total plate counts with the advancement of storage period.


Effect of purified lipid fraction of Ricinus communis L. leaves ether extract on Bombyx mori L.

Hemant Saxena





Morus alba, Ricinus communis, Bombyx mori.

Insects mainly depend on host plants for their dietary requirements which are fulfilled by them for various purposes including reproduction, growth and developments. The pertaining literature reveals that the growth and moulting hormones viz. ecdysone, juvenile hormones and even pheromones is basically lipid containing cholesterol, fatty acids and sterols. This is why, in the present study, the work has been carried out on lipid contents of plant Ricinus communis L. related to utilization of lipid by Bombyx mori L. The effect of lipid fraction of leaves ether extract of Ricinus communis L. were found to be growth retarding and it took more time to moult in to next instar when extract was applied topically on 1st instar larvae. The results shows that the female reared on treated leaves laid 110 eggs less than the normal female moths by testing the significance of difference between number of eggs laid by a female reared on untreated leaves and that of a female reared on treated leaves. The value of 't" test came to be significant (15.92) which is much greater than the table value of "t" (2.14) for 18% of freedom at 5% level of significance. The results also show that the hatching of the eggs was reduced by 36% in response to the feeding on treated leaves. Testing the significance of difference between hatching of the eggs of the female reared on untreated leaves and that of the eggs of female reared on treated leaves, the value of "t" obtained was 23.25 which is much greater than the table value, hence it is highly significant (p<0.05). This shows that plant extracts markedly affects and reduces the hatching of the eggs. The results also show that larvae fed with treated leaves were reported very poor in growth as compared to those fed with untreated leaves. This may be due to some insecticidal activities found in castor leaves. This is why, the feeding of treated leaves resulted 46.6% larval mortality while untreated leaves showed 6.6% larval mortality only. Similarly, the results of feeding of treated leaves on pupae were reported 37.5% mortality and untreated leaves feeding showed 7.1% mortality of pupae. These results suggest that Ricinus communis L. extract possess phytochemical which cause serious mortality. The larvae which died after feeding of treated mulberry leaves showed sign of rapid dehydration which shows insecticidal property against Bombyx mori L.


Effect of vitamin E and SE against sub clinical and clinical mastitis in cows.

Shashi Pradhan, H. K. Mehta, Ranbir Singh Jatav and Ajay Rai





Vitamin E and Se, Sub clinical and clinical mastitis and crossbred cows.

Investigation was undertaken to study the effect of vitamin E and Se on clinical and sub clinical mastitis in military dairy farm Mhow and in and around Indore district. Efficacy of Vitamin E and Se on occurrence of sub clinical and clinical mastitis was evaluated on the basis of Clinical parameter, Somatic Cell Count and California mastitis test results. The patient history, physical examination, marking on slide, recording of data remained the most crucial steps during complete study of work.


Therapeutic management of Black Quarter (BQ) in cattle : A case report.

C. Bhuyan, S. Sathapathy, S. K. Joshi, S. S. Biswal and S. K. Sahu





Therapeutic, Management, Black quarter, Cattle.

Black quarter (BQ) is an acute, infectious disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei - a Gram-positive, anaerobic organism. This disease is characterized by inflammation with gaseous oedema of skeletal muscle and severe toxaemia. The present study was conducted on a cow of 6 years old weighing 400 kg presented with BQ to establish new avenues in the field of therapeutic management of BQ in bovines. As the case was presented and diagnosed at an early stage, i.e. 12 hrs within the development of clinical symptoms, antibiotic therapy was found to be effective. The debridement of edematous and putrefied part was done with the help of Hydrogen peroxide (H O ), Magnesium 2 2 Sulphate (MgSo ) and regular dressing for 10th days followed by dressing at regular intervals. The BQ affected wound 4 healed after 3 months of treatment. The present study could be helpful for the field Veterinary Professionals in managing the cases of BQ therapeutically in bovines.


Marketing system of pigs followed by small pig farmers in the Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh.

Anand Kumar, Priscilla Kerketta, Deepak Singh and Ramesh Pandey





Butcher, Local consumer, Pig, Marketing, Small farmer, Trader.

The present study was conducted to assess the marketing system of pig in Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the marketing channels of pig production. Majority of the respondents 47.2% sold piglets at one month of age at a price of Rs. 1500-2000 while most of the respondents 41.6% sold their adult pigs at 11-12 months age at a price of Rs. 130-140 per kg weight. The small pig farmer could not achieve maximum profit due unawareness of market price and involvement of middlemen in the market channels.


Insecticidal biopotency of Azadirachta indica, Melia azedarach and Toona ciliate against Spilarctia obliqua Walker.

A. P. Singh, A. K. S. Chauhan and B. S. Chandel





Spilarctia obliqua, Azadirachta indica, Melia azedarach, Azedirachtin.

An experiment was conducted to test the insecticidal efficacy of five meliaceous plant extracts against third instar larvae of Spilarctia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera : Arctidae) under the laboratory conditions. The bioefficacy of five meliaceous plant materials viz., Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and Melia azedarach Linn. (leaves, bark and seed kernel), Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. (leaves) and Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. and Toona ciliate M.Roem (bark) were prepared with the help of the soxhlet apparatus under the laboratory conditions and neem by product Azedirachtin and one untreated control used for detail study. The laboratory trial was done in three glass petridishes (10 cm diameter) and replicated thrice by using each selected extracts per petridish. To record the mortality of ten larvae of Spilarctia obliqua were released inside each pair of petridishes and allow them to remain for 24 hours. These petridishes were kept as such under control conditions and mortality count was taken after 6, 12, 24 hours of exposure. The data depicted in Table.1 indicated that Azedirachtin registered highest mortality (80.87%) to the 3rd instars larvae of Spilarctia obliqua Walk., when compared to other meliaceous plant extracts. NSKE (77.50) > MSKE (72.82 ) > Melia leaf extract (68.46) > Neem leaf extract ( 67.90) > Toona bark extract (66.35) > Melia bark extract (59.54) > Neem bark extract (58.41) > Soymida bark extract (55.81) > Swietenia leaves extract (46.80) > control (12.29), respectively.


Seasonal variation in physico-chemical parameters of water of Sun temple pond at Kochas, Rohtas (Bihar)

Ram Awadesh Singh





Physico-chemical parameters, Water quality, Seasonal variation.

In the present study, seasonal variation in physico-chemical parameters of water of Sun Temple pond at Kochas, Rohtas (Bihar) is reported from January,2014 to December,2015. An average value of atmospheric temperature was recorded 26.51�10.2�C, water temperature 22.7�9.05�C, pH 7.05�0.31, conductivity 1008.46�125.95 ?mho/cm, dissolved oxygen 5.83�0.83 mg/l, biochemical oxygen demand 3.86�1.26 mg/l, total alkalinity 238.94� 26.50 mg/l, hardness 193.87�45.24 mg/l, total dissolved solid 589.22�77.49 mg/l, chloride 13.60�2.19 mg/l, nitrate 1.3175� 0.18 mg/l and phosphate 0.2925�0.06 mg/l in this study. Statistical analysis inferred that air temperature and water temperature is negatively correlated to pH, dissolved oxygen, and phosphate but positively to conductivity, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, total alkalinity, chloride, hardness and total dissolved solid. On the other hand, pH showed negative correlation to biochemical oxygen demand, total alkalinity, chloride, hardness and total dissolved solid but positive correlation to conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and phosphate. Dissolved oxygen is also negatively correlated to biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, total alkalinity, chloride, hardness and total dissolved solid but positively to phosphate. The study will help in understanding the present status of the water body, biodiversity of this system and also assessment of precautionary measures.


Surgical management of uterine rupture in pregnant goat : A case report.

C. Bhuyan, S. Sathapathy, S. K. Joshi and I. Ali





Surgical management, Uterine, Rupture, Pregnant, Goat.

A three years old female pregnant goat weighing 22 kg was presented to the Veterinary Dispensary, Badapada, Kendrapada, Odisha with the complaint of dystocia. Immediate stabilization and caesarean section was carried out to save the life of patient. Further, the rupture of gravid uterus was revealed when the surgery was performed and accordingly treated.

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