Year: 2018, Issue: June
Toxicological effects of solid waste extract containing mercury on the tissue respiration of a fresh
water fish under experimental conditions.
P. K. Dixit, A. Padmavati and A. K. Panigrahi
Solid waste extract, Mercury, Fish, Tissue slice respiration, Residual mercury.
Significant amount of residual mercury was recorded in SWE exposed fish tissues when compared to control fish tissues. The residual mercury enrichment in different tissues of the SWE exposed fish followed a positive correlation with the increase in exposure period. Maximum residual mercury was recorded in exposed fish gill filaments. Exposed fish brain accumulated slowly when compared to other fish tissues but higher accumulation during recovery period might be due to transportation from other tissues. Significant depletion in respiration rate in exposed fish brain, liver, muscle and gill tissues when compared to control fish tissues was due to residual mercury accumulation in different tissues and its impact on respiratory metabolism. The residual mercury accumulation in fish tissues increased the body burden and impacted severely the respiratory metabolism which was reflected in depletion of whole body oxygen uptake and residual mercury accumulation in brain affected the nervous system leading to erratic swimming, nervous disorders and paralytic movements.