Year: 2018, Issue: December
On a new species of the genus Cotugnia (Diamare,1893) from Acridotheres tristis Nilanga, Tq. Nilanga, dist. Lature (M.S.)
Ravi Solunke, Swati Phadke and Sunita Borde
Acridotheres, Cotugnia, Latur, Testes
The present communication, deals with the description of a new species, as C.nilangaensis Sp. Nov. under the same genus, which is collected from the Indian myna, Acridotheres tristis at Nilanga, Tq. Nilanga, dist. Latur (M.S.) in the month of September, 2013. The new species Cotugnia nilangaensis is comes closer to all the known species of the genus Cotugnia in general topography of organ but differs due to scolex squarish with four suckers, armed rostellum with 480 hooks, 80-90(84) number of testes, genital pore anterior to the middle of the segment, ovary indistinctly bilobed, vagina posterior to cirrus pouch, vitelline gland medium and triangular in shape.