Year: 2017, Issue: June
Ecofriendly management of early blight of tomato caused due to Alternaria species by using plant extracts
S. B. Jadhav and M. S. Wadikar
Ecofriendly, Early blight of Tomato, Alternaria sp., Biological control, Medicinal plant extract.
Genus Alternaria belong to deuteromycetes having number of species and destructive plant pathogen to the families such as Solanceae, Cucurbitaceae, Brasicaceae. Tomato belong to family Solanaceae. The tomato crop grown in rabbi and kharip season having nutritional and economical value. Alternaria species cause early blight disease of tomato and lose the quality and quantity of crop. The disease is control by spraying synthetic chemicals but it create environmental, ecological problems. Now a days biological methods are uses to control the diseases. Biological methods is safer, biodegradable and ecofriendly, so this method is adopted by farmer rather than chemical control method. Biological agents like fungi, herbal extract and natural products are used to control diseases. In present study Alternaria species isolated from infected tomato plants on PDA medium. The different concentrations of some medicinal plant parts extracts are prepared and used to control the infection of Alternaria.