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Year: 2016, Issue: June
A study on prevalence of subclinical/clinical diabetes in dogs of Uttarpradesh, Uttarakhand and Kerala.
Gopinath Devi, Umesh Dimri, Ranbir Singh Jatav, Mohd. Iqbal Yatoo, P. M. Deepa, A. Gopalakrishnan and Y. Ajith
Random blood glucose, Glycatedhaemoglobin, Fructosamine, Subclinical, Clinical.
Presently the incidence of diabetes is increasing in both humans and dogs. In this context there are no reports about prevalence of canine subclinical/clinical diabetes in UttarPradesh, Uttarakhand and Kerala. Total of 586 dogs were screened for diabetic biomarkers random blood glucose, fasting blood glucose, benedicts test, glycated haemoglobin and serum fructosamine. Those dogs showed higher than their normal range were identified and diagnosed to be subclinical/clinical diabetes based on the range of values and presence of glycosuria. Highest prevalence of diabetes was found in UttarPradesh followed by Kerala and Uttarakhand respectively. Female dogs were showing higher prevalence than male dogs in the study. Labrador retriever showed highest breed prevalence followed by Germanshepherd, Spitz and Greatdane respectively. 5-10 year age group showed highest age based prevalence.
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