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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Influence of growth regulators and botanicals on physico-chemical and quality parameters in acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle).
M. Kumar and J. Kabariel
Acid lime, Growth regulators, Botanicals, Fruit length, Fruit girth, Fruit volume, TSS, Ascorbic acid, Acidity.
A field experiment on was conducted at South farm, Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi Tamil Nadu during 2014-2015. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with nine treatments and three replications. Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia swingle) is an important commercial species of citrus considered to be indigenous to India, and is extensively cultivated in almost all states of India under tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. In the present investigation, the highest fruit length was noticed in T - 3 Panchakavya @ 5% (6.50 cm) followed by T -IAA @ 50 ppm (5.53 cm), the highest fruit girth was noticed in T - 1 3 Panchakavya @ 5% (6.86 cm) and also the highest fruit volume was recorded in T -Panchakavya @ 5% (51.20 ml) fol- 3 lowed by T -IAA @ 50 ppm (48.85 ml). In this investigation, the highest Juice content (ml/100 g) was noticed in T - 1 3 Panchakavya @ 5% (55.0 ml), the highest ascorbic acid content was recorded in T -Panchakavya @ 5% (35.65 mg/ 3 100 g) and the highest acidity was recorded in T -Vemivash @ 5 ml (7.25%).
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