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Year: 2019, Issue: June
Characterization of seed germination of four medicinal plants of family Leguminosae.
Arpita Banerjee and Arijit Sinhababu
Seed germination, Medicinal plants, Family Leguminosae.
Medicinal plants are precious and very useful for their life-saving contents. Therefore, regeneration of the medicinal species assumes crucial significance in the afforestation programme so as to ensure sustainable supply of these medicinal plants. Development of wasteland requires large quantities of seeds/seedlings of miscellaneous plant species. This calls for a detailed knowledge of seed behavior of different plant species. The present research paper, we try to characterize suitable germination method for four tree species of family Leguminosae (Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf., Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) K. Heyne., Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. and Saraca indica (Roxb.) de Wilde), which are used in afforestation programme in dry latarite area. To improve the low germination rate, seeds of these species were pretreated with hot water (80°C for 5 minutes) or with phyto-hormones (IAA or GA) and nitrogenous substances (Potassium nitrate and thiourea). Significant increase in germination percentage over control was observed in all species with hot water pretreatment. Pretreatment with hormones and nitrogenous substances also showed limited improvement in germination in some cases.
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