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Year: 2019, Issue: December

Diversity of fish population of lentic water body Burhan Sagar, Jabalpur (M.P.).
Nidhi Singh, Sunita Gupta, K. K. Dubey and R. P. Mishra
Fish diversity, Burhan Sagar, Cyprinidae.
The ichthyo faunal diversity is a good indicator of health of aquatic ecosystem. A good piscine diversity represents the balanced ecosystem. The present research work was carried out to assess the fish diversity at Burhan Sagar pond Panagar, Jabalpur. Experiment was design to assess biodiversity of fish population of lentic water body Burhan Sagar Panagar from July-December,2018. With the help of nets and fisherman various types of fish were caught from the pond and fishes were identified on the basis of their shape of mouth, barbells, colour. The fish fauna study unfolded the depleting conditions as the survey conducted in the fish market and among fishermen community revealed disappearance of many species and deteriorating quality of existing species. Overall study revealed that fish diversity along this region was less in comparison to previous years. Study of this nature is important for restoration of water bodies and revival of fish diversity and improving livelihood of poor fisherman community in the rural area.

Society of Life Sciences

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