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Year: 2019, Issue: December

Phytochemical study of Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk.) A rich and Marsdenia volubilis (L. F.) Benth. Ex. Hook F.
S. T. Chavan
Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk.), A. Rich and Marsdenia volubilis, (L. f.), Phytochemical study.
Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk.) A. Rich family : Capparidaceae and Marsdenia volubilis (L. f.) family- Asclepidaceae is wild species. These plants have been used in the indigenous system of medicine for a long time. Photochemistry is the chemical analysis of plant products. The chemicals present in root, stem and leaf drugs are analyzed physically as well as chemically by qualitative and quantitative means. The physical parameters like colour, odour and taste of powdered stem, root, leaf drugs serves as primary data for drug identification. Estimation, qualitative as well as quantitative, of various chemicals taken together is assumed to produce specific data useful in standardizing a particular drug. Phytochemical study the quantitative analysis of elements or chemicals like nitrogen, crude proteins crude fats, crude fibers, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, total sugars etc. may fluctuate with the age of the plant, season of collection, hence these values are not considered as criteria. But their use in combination roughly gives the idea about purity of drug. Their values with little variation should be accepted as a base for standardizing a drug. The quantitative analysis of a single chemical or element should not be considered as strict criteria for standardization or evaluation similarly presence or absence of a chemical i.e. qualitative analysis of drug.

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