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Year: 2017, Issue: December
Use of naturally occurring indigenous herbal products as potential alternative to synthetic insecticides : An overview.
Arti Singh and B. S. Chandel
Indiscriminate use of synthetic insecticides to control insect pests has resulted in undesirable side effects along with environmental pollution. Interest has arisen to work out the role of plant products in controlling feeding, reproduction, growth and metamorphosis in insects as alternative to synthetic pesticides. Aware of this effect, mankind has used plant parts or extracts to control insects since ancient times. This review present the work done so far regarding the role of various a plants extract in controlling different aspect of insect behavior. Plants may provide potential alternatives to currently used insect-control agents because they constitute a rich source of bioactive chemicals. Since these are often active against a limited number of species including specific target insects, are often biodegradable to non-toxic products, and are potentially suitable for use in integrated pest management, they could lead to the development of new classes of safer insect-control agents. Much effort has, therefore, been focused on plantderived materials for potentially useful products as insecticide.
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