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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Effect of probiotic and fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on performance of lactating buffaloes.
Ramesh Kumar Mishra, R. P. Baghel and Pawan Sirothiya
Probiotic and fibrolytic enzyme, Lactating buffaloes.
A study was conducted to see the effect of probiotic and fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on performance of lactating buffaloes in existing farmers feeding and management conditions. The 12 healthy Murrha buffalos of 3rd lactation were selected on the basis of body weight, milk yield and milk fat. Buffaloes were randomly divided into 2 groups of 6 buffaloes in each group. The experiment was conducted for the period of four months. In group-I : Rroutine farmer's practiced was considered as control. The diet of this group consisted of wheat straw 6.5 kg + 12 kg green berseem +1.5 kg concentrate for mentinance + concentrate mixture approximately half of the milk yield. In buffaloes of group II : Addition of commercially available exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (cellulase & xylanase) @ dose 15 g per animal per day and Saccharomyces cervisiae (Yea-Sac1026) @ dose rate 10 g per animal per day as probiotic in control (T1) diet was made. The data revealed that reduction in body weight during the experimental period was higher (7.91 kg) in buffaloes of farmer practice group than fibrolytic enzymes plus probiotic supplemented group (2.10 kg).The daily dry matter intake of buffaloes was differ non significantly in both the groups. The milk production in buffaloes of fibrolytic enzymes plus probiotic supplemented group was recorded (8.53 liters per day) significantly higher (P<0.05) than buffaloes of control group (8.21 liters per day). The change in milk yield in comparison to their initial yield was 9.36% and 3.92% in fibrolytic enzymes plus probiotic and control groups of buffaloes, respectively. The results regarding chemical composition of milk during experimental period showed insignificant higher percentage for all the milk constituents in fibrolytic enzymes plus probiotic group of buffaloes in comparison to control group. The fat, SNF, protien, lactose and tota soli was 6.86, 9.49, 3.78, 4.98 and 16.33%, respectively in buffaloes fed fibrolytic enzymes plus probiotic supplemented whereas, it was 6.78, 9.47, 3.71, 4.94 and 16.26% respectively in buffaloes received control diet. The higher improvement in haematobiochemical parameters was noticed in buffaloes of enzymes plus probiotic supplemented group than control group. Days of postpartum heat have been found reduced in buffaloes of supplemented group. On the basis of present findings, it can be conclued that supplementation of probiotic and enzyme had significant improvement on milk production and some haematobiochamical parameters in buffaloes of present feeding practices of farmers.
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