Year: 2019, Issue: June
Comparative nutritive contents in the species of Cleome in thar desert
Vinod Kumari and R. K. Gehlot
Desert, Arid, Nutritive value, Secondary metabolites
Genus Cleome in Thar Desert is represented by four species viz. C.gracilis, C.gynandra, C.vahliana and C.viscosa. All the species are ephemeral. The present study deals with estimation of nutritive contents and secondary metabolites in different plant parts. In the present study, Crude protein content was found to be highest in leaves of C.gynandra (21.45%). The leaves of C.gynandra contained maximum (4.18%) amount of crude fat while maximum amount of total carbohydrate reported from the leaves of C.viscosa (74.80%). Alkaloids were reported to be present in leaves and stem of C.vahliana. Low concentration of saponin and tannin were observed in stem of C.viscosa.