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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Determinants of poverty movements among fisheries households of rural Tripura.
Apu Das, Nalini Ranjan Kumar, Biswajit Debnath, M. Krishnan, Anjani Kumar and V. Ramasubramanian
Poverty, Poverty movements, Fisheries households, Tripura.
The study attempted to analyze the households movements into, and out of poverty over last 15 years, and the reasons for such movements among the households directly involved in fisheries related activities in the state of Tripura. The study used binary logistic regression model to identify several factors associated with the poverty movements up and down. The results of the study indicate that business gains, involvement in fisheries, gains from inheritance and government job were factors responsible for significantly increasing the probability of escape from poverty and expenditure on health care, marriage or other customary expenses and lack of inheritance property were the factors responsible for significantly increasing the probability to fall into poverty. The findings of the study suggest that involvement of rural households in fisheries sector, improvements in access to the affordable health care, providing quality education and encouraging the small scale business will decrease the probability to fall into poverty.
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