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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Use of certain medicinal plants for the treatment of various skin disorders by tribes and nomadic groups residing in the Mej river catchment area, Rajasthan.
Rajendra Prasad
Ethnobotany, Mej river, Skin disorders. Plant species, Tribals, Nomadic groups.
An ethanobotanical exploration was carried out during the years 2013 to 2015 among tribals and nomadic groups residing in the Mej river catchment area. The data were collected from the local tribals and nomadic groups including tribal practitioners, Ojhas, traditional healers, Vaidh, Bhopa, etc. A total of fifty two plants species were recorded for treatment of various ailments from the different sites in the Mej river catchment area of which 12 plant species were used as folk medicine for curing skin disorders and related disease.
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