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Year: 2015, Issue: June
Survey and etiology of black spot of pomegranate in Himachal Pradesh.
Renu Thakur, Ved Ram and Deepak Sharma
X.axonopodis pv. punicae, Black spot, Pomegranate, Germplasm Screening, Etiology, X.campestris.
Present studies were carried out to find the status of bacterial pathogens in different pomegranate growing areas of Himachal Pradesh. Disease survey of these areas revealed the presence of X.axonopodis pv. punicae on leaves and fruits of pomegranate. This is the first report of this bacteria on fruits in Himachal Pradesh. Bacterium was isolated, then identified on its cultural, morphological and biochemical characters as Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae (Vauterin). None of the cultivars were found resistant to foliar and fruit diseases of pomegranate.
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