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Year: 2015, Issue: December
A redescription and report of Eustrongylides tubifex Nitzsch,1819 (Dioctophymoidea : Dioctophymidae) larvae in deep fish Sillago of Central West Coast of India at Goa.
Sushil K. Upadhyay, Deepak Yadav and Ashish Tripathi
Eustrongylides tubifex larvae, Dioctophymidae, Sillago sihama, Sillaginidae, Central West Coast of India.
Eustrongylides tubifex Nitzsch,1819 (Dioctophymoidea : Dioctophymidae) larvae was investigated from silver whiting deep sea fish Sillago sihama (Percoidea : Sillaginidae) from the Cacra beach of Central West Coast of India at Goa. The worms were characterized as larvae of E.tubifex by morphological features after Jagerskiold (1909), York & Maplestone (1926) and Yamaguti (1962) by cylindrical and slender body, swollen and almost globular head, oral aperture guarded by three lips each with one pair of papillae, longer oesophagus without posterior bulb and posterior extremity with spike like tail process and validated by morphotaxometric statistical applications with the earlier described specimens by different authors from other vertebrate hosts. This study represents the first report on larvae of E.tubifex Nitzsch,1819 from S.sihama.
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