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Year: 2019, Issue: June
Determination of tolerance level of Blue-Green Algae to different pesticides.
Vivek Singh
Pesticides tolerance, Dimecron, Malathion, Butachlor and 2,4-D.
Present study have been made on selected 24 strains of BGA. The pesticides - Dimecron (50% E.C.), Malathion (50% E.C.) 2,4-D (18% W.P.) and Butachlor (50% E.C.) have been to study the tolerance capabilities of those selected strains. The tolerance level of some BGA have been found that Dimecron and Butachlor were mostly inhibitory and could be tolerated only at 1 or 2 ppm concentrated. However Malathion could be tolerated from 10-25 ppm and 2,4-D from 25-100 ppm concentration.
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