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Year: 2018, Issue: June
Ethno-medicinal plants in Bankura district with special reference to skin diseases.
Arijit Sinhababu and Arpita Banerjee
Bankura. Ethno-medicinal plants, Skin diseases, Tribals.
All socio-cultural, economic and other activities of mankind are directly or indirectly associated with various environmental resources. The use of plants as medicines predates written in human history. Human skin, the external covering of the body, is the biggest organ in the body. Skin health is fundamental to total health. Plants can possibly cure various types of skin diseases. The paper aims to identify, collect and documentation of the existing folk knowledge related to the utilization of medicinal flora for healing of skin ailments among the local inhabitants of Bankura district, West Bengal, India. The present paper deals with 38 medicinal plants belonging to 18 families that are reported along with their therapeutic uses against skin diseases.
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