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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Technological empowerment of farm women in terms of gain in knowledge in selected drudgery reduction technologies related to agriculture.
Neha Tiwari and Rajshree Upadhyay
Technological empowerment, Drudgery reduction technologies, Wheel hoe, Training and knowledge.
The present study was conducted in Gonda district of Uttar Pradesh. The purpose of the study was to assess the technological empowerment of farm women in terms of gain in knowledge in selected drudgery reduction technologies related to agriculture. The 100 farm women were covered for technological empowerment through training from two purposively selected Panchayat Samities. Personal interview technique was used for collecting data. The findings of the study reveal that Initially very few respondents (0.80-2.5%) knew about the technologies like wheel hoe and rice transplanter. After exposure of training, tremendous gain in knowledge of the respondents were observed in different aspects of the selected drudgery reducing technologies related to agriculture with overall mean percent scores of 77.4-86.5. After intervention the respondents further gained knowledge about all the selected agriculture technologies indicated by overall MPS 87.3-91.1.
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