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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Study of water quality of Pariyat river, Jabalpur (M.P.)
Neelam Tiwari, K. K. Dube and Rita Bhandari
Water pollution, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, BOD, TDS.
Pariyat river is life line of the peoples of Jabalpur city. River water is used for various purposes such as agriculture, domestic, industrial irrigation etc. Fresh water is necessary for healthy living. The importance of fresh water resource, their conservation and utilization has attained almost important during the present time. This natural resource is being polluted by indiscriminate disposal of sewage, industrial waste and human activities which affect quality of river water. Jabalpur or Sanskardhani is the main city of Central India and traditionally known as Mahakoushal. The WCR headquarter GCF, OFK and VFJ and also a very important army base is situated at Jabalpur (M.P.). Therefore, it is necessary for monitoring the water quality of river by analysis of various physicochemical parameters. The objective of present work to study various water pollutants of Pariyat river..
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