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Year: 2016, Issue: December
Farmers perception about System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology of Rewa district (M.P.).
Dharmendra, Sanjay Singh, Toranlal Nishad, Nikhil Kshatri and B. K. Tiwari
SRI technology, SRI cultivation.
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), developed in Madagascar is gaining increasing credence and momentum as the farmers are now using this method to raise their rice production while also reducing their use of external inputs and production costs. The present study was conducted in Rewa district M.P. Rewa district was selected purposively, since presently it has larger area under SRI cultivation. The study was carried out to assess the perception of paddy growers about SRI technology. It was found that the aspect economic viability (1.63) had highest mean perception score followed by, insect and disease management (1.51), nutrient management (1.48), transplanting (1.39), nursery management (1.33), seed management (1.25), mortality (1.13), labour requirement (1.07) and water management (1.06) Mean perception score was found to be lowest in case of weed management (0.98). The study revealed that the characteristics of the paddy growers namely, education, size of land holding, annual income, farming experience, cosmopoliteness, source of information, risk orientation, economic motivation, and achievement motivation had significant relationship with their perception about SRI technology at 5% level of significance.
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